They met in a test room, which was a church basement, where each person tested 12 pickles over a four-hour period.
The state's 2.5 million cable customers could expect home repairs within a scheduled four-hour period.
Companies would also be required to schedule repairs within a four-hour period.
Maritime tradition dictates that each day be divided into six four-hour periods.
No amount of bucking up made a difference over a four-hour period.
And they wanted to know whether you would be willing to stay beyond the four-hour period to, in fact, answer all their questions.
Nearly 15 inches of rain falls in some areas over a four-hour period.
Over a four-hour period, the four took both individual and group pictures of 485 students.
Portions are very small - tidbits, actually - and are served over a four-hour period.
Over a four-hour period several Confederate assaults were made, each being repulsed in turn.