About 450 of them had piled into eight buses this morning for the four-hour ride.
The train took the soldiers on a four-hour ride to Camp O'Donnell where they became prisoners of war.
There is also bus service from Puerto Montt to the northern part of the park ($6 for the four-hour ride).
After a four-hour ride, we land at the bottom of terraced slopes and begin a steep climb up a winding path of stone steps.
A bus stocked with food and liquor would ease their four-hour ride from Manhattan.
Rod climbed down and stood, surprised how much his joints ached from the four-hour ride.
It had been a four-hour ride from McCoy to France in another F-15.
"On Sundays, we ride up to Connecticut and back, on a three- or four-hour ride."
According to our hosts it was a four-hour ride to the Ghoja ford, the nearest and best crossing over the Main.
My daughter Rocky and I set out on the four-hour ride across the wide peaceful slopes.