A four-hour speech by the Secretary General.
The four-hour speech was listened to by several thousand people in "deathly silence."
Most of his four-hour speech consisted of a detailed analysis of the accounting work he had done the day of the murder.
Interrupted by a general election in June 1790, the committee finally finished hearing witnesses, and in April 1791 with a closely reasoned four-hour speech, Wilberforce introduced the first parliamentary bill to abolish the slave trade.
For that accomplishment alone, despite all of his flaws (political repression, four-hour speeches, and a literacy rate in Cuba of 100 percent), you gotta admire the guy.
Mr. Arias has about as much subtlety as a four-hour speech by Fidel Castro.
In 1956 Khrushchev gave a four-hour speech condemning the Stalin regime.
The four-hour speech accused officials of the apartheid Government, the media and opposition parties of various attempts to subvert A.N.C. rule by promoting crime and ruining the economy.
"History Will Absolve Me" (Spanish:"La historia me absolverá") is the concluding sentence and subsequent title of a four-hour speech made by Fidel Castro on 16 October 1953.
He was also an proponent of a transcontinental railway line to Perth, and was noted for a four-hour speech advocating this and other major national works as well as free trade between the states of Australia.