This came after a four-month undercover investigation that included remote photography of the area.
Throughout the four-month investigation, European officials weighed the merger strictly in terms of its impact on competition.
After a four-month investigation, they published their findings on Oct 17.
The state began a four-month investigation after a domestic milk producer complained that more and more retail stores were selling foreign dairy products.
Lockheed had said last month that it expected to be cited as a result of the four-month investigation, which began in September.
When this was reported in 2011, public anger and a four-month investigation from the Massachusetts Attorney General followed.
The 4-to-0 vote came after a four-month investigation, during which staff lawyers at the agency had recommended blocking the deal.
The news conference marked the formal end of a four-month investigation.
The four-month investigation focused on people believed to be using the Internet to distribute and store indecent images of children.
The European Commission has until next Thursday to decide whether to approve the deal or to open a four-month investigation into the venture.