The videos were made after a four-month study by a panel led by Chief Julian to give officers other ways of subduing prisoners.
Faced with growing concern about the weir, Government scientists carried out a four-month study of lungfish in the Burnett River, where the species was discovered.
The pharmaceutical company, concluded after a four-month study last year that it saved $1,700 in travel expenses each time a video meeting was used in place of a trip.
The $4 million, four-month study, conducted by Mr. Klein's staff and paid consultants, is taking almost all his time.
Congress's proposed four-month study would require an examination of how China's energy demands affect the United States, in connection with Cnooc's bid.
In a four-month study, a council committee found that the space station plans "rank as the most ambitious and lengthy task NASA has ever undertaken."
I don't mean investigative reporting; I don't mean four-month old studies on crime.
In July 1997, Dr. Weintraub began a four-month study of magnet use on diabetic and nondiabetic patients.
Nine out of 10 obese patients stayed on the 400- to 1,200 calorie-a-day diet for the entire four-month study, losing an average of 30 pounds each.
The plan comes after a four-month study of the company's general and administrative costs, its factory costs and its research and development operations.