The women will play a four-month pre-Olympic tour against international and college teams.
The performances were part of a four-month tour of the United Kingdom.
Initially the Battery had deployed to cover the marching season, but this was soon extended to a full four-month tour.
The production then went on a four-month tour throughout the UK.
In their six days at the space station, the crew will work with two Americans and a Russian who are on board for a four-month tour.
The pair married in March 1977 and within four weeks Hughes left for a four-month tour of England.
Officers get high-risk pay for a four-month tour, so he's never minded the duty.
Globan will have served the full four-month tour in another three weeks and five days.
She then embarked on a four-month tour with a full band, which resulted in the 1977 live album Season of Lights.
It doesn't matter to them that the so-called 'Stars' setting out next week on a gruelling four-month tour are no such thing.