The authorship of the four-note theme was the subject of a court case.
The movement is a fugue on a striking atonal four-note theme, B-G-D sharp-C.
There is an unexpected addition of a G sharp in the last entry of the four-note theme in the bass as the movement draws to a close.
And that the incessant four-note theme in the Shostakovich Chamber Symphony is the composer's signature motif, giving added point to the work's introspective gravity.
Aaron Copland's Piano Variations (1930), based on a simple four-note theme that mutates at a dizzying pace, holds a near-perfect mirror to modernity itself.
The key that innocently began but drastically ended the four-note theme that Harland had used as a radio signature.
The opening movement, marked "Celebratory and Joyful," builds on a stern four-note theme and takes off in every imaginable direction and mood: ecstatic, fantastical, impish, dangerous.
Mason starts his drumming after the fourth playing of the four-note theme, which is the point where the riffs get into a fixed tempo, in 6/4 time.
The music for the fairies reflects Wagner's style, and the score uses leitmotifs, including a distinctive four-note theme associated with the character of Iolanthe.
For example, a distinctive four-note theme is associated with the character Iolanthe, and the Fairy Queen's music parodies that of Wagnerian heroines such as Brünnhilde.