The Treasury Department says it needs to hire a four-person staff - including an executive director, legal counsel and an industry expert - to help the board evaluate applications.
Setting up our rented house, we hired a four-person staff - common among Westerners.
WHEN the original four-person staff first moved to Fulton Street in the fall of 1999, it had to share a server with a neighbor.
Mr. Kat, knowing that the four-person staff would have a massive clean-up job that could take over a year, brought the problem up to the Society's Committee.
The pleasures of nurturing aside, the financial returns on independent films are modest; only since last year has Good Machine been able to pay its four-person staff.
A four-person full-time staff, two part-time staff, and numerous student workers are employed by Public Appearances.
We have a four-person staff for the Internet alone.
The lunch crowd had barely sat down before the Seaplane's four-person staff began producing specials like baked scrod, gravy-laden hamburger plates and mayo-heavy tuna - each less than $5.
It includes 1,000 dues-paying members and licensees as well as a 15-member Board of Directors and a four-person staff.
The growth has come without adding to his four-person administrative staff, Mr. Ottaway said.