Micatio is also played in competitions with four-person teams.
Instead of two person teams racing around the globe for a $1 million prize, there will be four-person teams.
On Sundays, we also have four-person teams, which is good for beginners.
Your first task is to pick the four-person team.
As has happened several times in the past, a four-person team playing nonstop, for eight days in this case, could not hold a lead.
And the site is kept updated by a full-time, professional four-person team.
During the fall the producers introduced a family version of the series, which featured 10 four-person teams traveling around North America.
Another four-person team defied the strain of playing without relief and reached the quarterfinal.
The game is played with four-person teams on a field one-fourth the size of a regulation baseball diamond.
In all, 76 four-person teams from 22 countries paid $12,500 to enter the Eco-Challenge, plus thousands more on equipment and travel.