His four-volume history of Elizabethan theater, published in 1923, remains a standard resource for scholars of the period's drama.
Time's Tapestry is a four-volume alternate history and science fiction series by British author Stephen Baxter.
Theodore Roosevelt dedicated his four-volume history of the frontier, The Winning of the West (1889-1896), to Parkman.
A volume of his planned four-volume history of the South appeared in 1938 as The Old South: Struggles for Democracy, covering the 17th century.
Mr. Solzhenitsyn was here to complete a mission: "The Red Wheel," his four-volume history of the events leading to the Russian Revolution.
Her greatest achievements were considered to be her two four-volume histories.
His last major published work was The Third Revolution, a four-volume history of the libertarian movements in European and American revolutions.
As all of you know, Robert Byrd has combined a participant's insights with a scholar's detachment to produce an encyclopedic four-volume history of the Senate.
In a telephone interview, Mr. Woodward said the original plan was for a four-volume history.