The four-volume work, published over a period of five years, sets forth his thoughts on education and proposals for systemic reform.
Her contributions helped to create the first Antarctic atlas, a groundbreaking four-volume work published in the Soviet Union.
He also wrote a four-volume work American Business Practice (1931).
Mythologiques is a four-volume work of cultural anthropology by Claude Lévi-Strauss.
So it was a relief to discover the many native North American species among the 50,000 plants in this superlative four-volume work.
The initial plan was to release a four-volume work and the first two volumes of the book were published in 1858 by Edward Moxon.
He wrote a four-volume work called The Nature of Order which explicates this theory in detail.
He also self-published Forgive My Grief, a four-volume work on the assassination of Kennedy.
This led to a four-volume work, considered to be one of the most comprehenive in the field:
Norsk presses historie 1660-2010 is a four-volume work about the press media history of Norway.