A four-week stay will allow you to form closer bonds with the elephants and the mahouts.
If you could leave the next day for Sydney, a four-week stay was available for $399; London was $99 round trip for a one-week stay.
During their four-week stay in Britain the students take two seminars a day (although spare-time activities could certainly include river punting and cricket matches).
Another thought: will he miss Dr. Alan Lans, the Mets' counselor who suggested his four-week stay at the Smithers Institute for alcohol-abuse early this year?
These days, out-of-town tryouts for big musicals can be hugely expensive; the four-week stay in Detroit alone cost $1.5 million, Mr. Freydberg said.
Work was begun during a four-week stay in Finland in the summer, when Stockhausen was lecturing at the Jyväskylä summer university.
On a recent four-week stay, I found my classes similar in style to those Ms. Harris took: engaging and inventive teaching with enthusiastic teachers and a maximum of seven students.
"If you don't go there, you just don't know," said Mr. Castellon, whose four-week stay was arranged by Cross-Cultural Solutions.
But a four-week stay would ease a problem - his appearance at Shea for the first time since the N.L. Championship Series last October.
A four-week stay can cost as little as $780, calculated at 100 yen to the dollar.