The spot, promoting the benefits of giving, is part of a $20 million, four-year campaign to increase church membership.
But the board reversed that stance as the result of a mother's four-year campaign to commemorate her son's life.
A cynic would say that he has been on a four-year taxpayer-supported campaign to enhance his visibility and prep for higher office.
He led a four-year campaign to reduce gratuitous TV violence aimed at children under 12.
The church will then begin a new four-year campaign focused on younger people.
Tourist boards criticise 'hidden costs' and voting system behind four-year campaign to uncover the world's most popular natural wonders.
Afterwards, he was rested for the remainder of the year in anticipation of his four-year old campaign.
Kabul's fall may spell an end to the four-year campaign to find a peaceful settlement.
His traveling effectively turned into a four-year campaign for the governship as he gained support around the state.
It was the result of legislation passed last December after a four-year campaign by housing advocates.