Still, conditions are much better than in the four-year drought in the early 1960's.
A four-year drought made the competition for water among farms, cities and the park itself much more fierce.
Sometime after this, records indicate that because of four-year drought, many here sold themselves to the Aztecs as slaves in order to survive.
As a result of that impasse it has been a four-year drought for viewers accustomed to getting a Wiseman fix every year or two.
A four-year drought has not yet lifted in the south, and many springs and wells are dry.
This marked the return of the Packers to the playoffs after a four-year drought.
Ending a four-year drought for a win from either side.
With the economy strong again, graduating college seniors are finding jobs easier to get after a four-year drought.
Furthermore, Afghanistan has gone through a four-year drought, and poppies need far less water than vegetables or grain.
Even nature seems to be punishing the country: in the midst of a four-year drought, an earthquake last Sunday killed at least 100.