During a four-year span the group's namesake and leader was the only original member left from their first album in 1965.
Over its four-year span, the comic ran for 24 issues, ending with issue 41, in February 1955.
As seen in the list of championship years, they only had one four-year span between wins, from 1975 to 1979.
"Very often we won't get past the 90 mark in making appointments in a four-year span," she said.
Conferences will be judged over a four-year span beginning with the 2004 season and running through the 2007 regular season.
He played for the Steelers from 1982 through 1985 starting fourteen games in that four-year span.
He did not swim in a major international meet in that four-year span.
It was also the Cowboys' third championship in a four-year span, a feat no other team has accomplished.
The four-year span is needed to satisfy accounting rules.
Western Kansas lost half its population during a four-year span.