A four-year study will begin this coming school year at more than 40 institutions, testing students freshman through senior year.
At least half of each ninth-grade class through 2007 - about 650 children - will be involved in the four-year controlled study.
A subsequent four-year study of the star showed that the original detection may have been spurious.
The bill also provides for state traffic officials to conduct a four-year study of accidents to determine if the measure is having the intended effect.
In the four-year, $33 million study, 985 premature babies who weighed five and a half pounds or less at birth were divided into two groups.
A four-year study in San Francisco found that 94 percent of young murder victims were high school dropouts.
B. is a three- or four-year full-time study law degree.
Additionally, a four-year follow-up study among 259 of the original 322 participants was performed.
The $10 million, four-year study is designed to determine whether three different hormones can help reduce heart disease in post-menopausal women.
Preliminary research suggests that this can improve their chances of recovery, and a four-year study with 2,500 patients is under way.