Hyperinflation in Brazil was a fourteen-year period of three-to-four-digit annual inflation rates that went from 1980 until 1994.
After a fourteen-year period of spiritual practices, he attained omniscience.
The seven Nimbus satellites, launched over a fourteen-year period, shared their space-based observations of the planet for thirty years.
July 11 - Pluto (not known at this time) enters a fourteen-year period inside the orbit of Neptune, which will not recur until 1979.
A total of 31 (30 manned, 1 unmanned) Soyuz spacecraft flew to the station over a fourteen-year period.
Over a fourteen-year period they renovated two progressively larger gallery spaces.
The initial assembly of the Atlas began in 1964 with many authors, historians, cartographers and researchers contributing over a fourteen-year period.
Harrison made over 250 appearances in the Football League for four clubs over a fourteen-year period.
Over 300 original plays, most between an hour and ninety minutes in length, were transmitted during the fourteen-year period the series aired.
Over his fourteen-year period of dependency, Steve became more distant from reality.