The charge will probably mean a fourth-quarter loss, but company officials said they expected a profit for 1986 as a whole.
In January, the company had said it expected a fourth-quarter loss of about $32 million.
Several top officials were dismissed early in 1989 after the company announced a fourth-quarter 1988 loss of $14.6 million.
The company estimated that its fourth-quarter losses would be at least $265 million.
The company is expected to report a fourth-quarter loss this month.
However, the company is expected to report a fourth-quarter loss, analysts said.
The fourth-quarter loss, therefore, would likely be slightly less than $60 million.
In January, the company announced a fourth-quarter loss of $382 million.
First City also said today that it expected to report a fourth-quarter loss of about $852 million.
But fourth-quarter losses were $244 million, roughly a third more than in the period a year earlier.