She was her father's shadow, her small hands gentling and soothing the fractious horses as well as Wolf's strong ones did.
Her vision blurred a moment, then she felt the long habit of control settling back into her mind like a rider on a fractious horse.
That pretty head held a few odd notions, such as that you could calm a fractious horse by biting its ear!
They are used to mount fractious horses and when mounted the rider can retrieve them.
He was a man who had to be governed like a fractious horse.
But Master Glebus was an old hand at dealing with fractious horses.
The race was delayed by over 6 minutes due to fractious horses and a damaged wheel to one of the favoured runners.
Thom tossed his white head like a fractious horse and breathed heavily, but finally he nodded.
The start was delayed by fractious horses; before the advent of the starting gate, Thoroughbreds raced from a standing start.
He was on the last row on the end and he was the baby sitter for the more fractious horses.