And pictures were beginning to unroll through the darkness of her sister's mind, like fractured images of a violent movie viewed through a broken projector.
And no one has had a more spectacular camp than Irvin, who has become synonymous with the fractured image of the team.
Mirrors cracked, filling the ballet school with a million fractured images.
This close, the shadows' gleaming facets shimmered like oil on water, and then another fractured image began to take shape.
The moment she did, the fractured, terrifying, painful images erupted inside her head again.
But the fractured images resonate on other levels, too.
It appears on the screen as a fractured circular image, fragments of a picture, scrambled in concentric rings.
They said nothing and left him there, the towel still around his neck like a noose, staring at his fractured image in the wall mirror.
"You can have a fractured image of yourself," Mr. Badum said.
The mask was like a distorted mirror, shooting back reflections of gold lamplight and fractured images of his own face.