Those were a very fragile hold on life.
Lindy was sure Jeb's fragile hold on sanity had snapped.
Things were moving too fast; the torrent of words was threatening to unmoor her fragile hold on serenity.
The fragile hold she held on her control crumpled and memories assailed her mind.
Perhaps for the Americans as much as anyone, it bolstered what could become a fragile hold on their religious allegiance.
Seeing the ghosts must have already weakened her fragile hold on sanity.
When she found out that she was pregnant again, however, the fragile hold she had on her life fell apart.
He could feel Kory slipping away; see the elf losing his fragile hold on life.
Such a fragile hold on power poses a serious problem for the political future of the Afghan resistance.
It meant that the Queen of Darkness had but a fragile hold on her increased strength.