But we have also neglected our other relationships, placing too many burdens on a fragile institution and making social life poorer in the process.
The Russians, like the people of India, at least have the institutions, however fragile and flawed, to give voice to their discontents.
An advertising agency is a notoriously fragile institution.
Patrons maintain a Web site, barcar.com, to "celebrate and preserve that fragile and mobile institution: the bar car."
The mess in Iraq has placed our volunteer military, a magnificent but fragile institution, under immense strain.
The modern nuclear family is a vulnerable and fragile institution.
Democracy is a fragile institution in Peru.
Parliamentary democracy is a compelling ideal, but it is a fragile institution.
He has allowed corruption to flower and trampled on fragile democratic institutions.
So let us spare a thought (or, if you like, a prayer) for an even more fragile institution: the rock 'n' roll band.