Manhattan's quality of life will always be inversely related to the increase in cars and traffic on this ever so fragile island.
The agreement angered other environmentalists, including some Audubon members, who contended that the plan gave developers a sanctioned foothold to build in one of the most environmentally fragile islands in the state.
To protect the fragile island and its creatures but also to let people enjoy the island's popular beaches, the Mashantucket Land Trust and the Stonington Community Center have joined forces.
Of course it is not, and now Banff National Park itself has become a fragile island of wilderness in the ever-growing sprawl of housing and highways.
Land Transformed, But Not Their Lives Before the outsiders showed up, a fragile island in Mexico's distant corner was the whole world for a Maya fisherman named Gabuch.
No matter how economically powerful Japan seems from the outside, it is taken as accepted wisdom here, especially among older Japanese, that the country is a fragile island, constantly subject to natural and manmade destruction.
The mud embankments built over the years around these young, fragile islands are too feeble to keep away the tide.
But as more and more visitors flock to this fragile island, the houses have proliferated into sprawl.
Uncover the hidden stories of this fragile island, from charismatic lemurs to beautiful baobabs.
Only Israel remained as a fragile island of plague-free land within that contaminated region.