As it has turned out, all of this was the flower of a fragile and passing moment.
Several people said they saw this as a frighteningly fragile moment on the world stage.
We are, nonetheless, at a fragile moment in the world economy, and cannot afford to do anything to undermine our economic recovery.
On the economic front, the attacks this week obviously came at a fragile moment.
And in that fragile moment, Catharine's voice soared through him.
I felt this was a fragile moment, so I tried humor.
Neither side, he said, should set a standard that the other cannot meet or there will be no constructive exit from a fragile, explosive moment.
And as fate would have it, both bands showed how fragile the psychedelic moment was.
She hardly dared to move, for fear it would break the fragile moment and throw them back into their stiff separation.
But at this fragile moment in an epic fifth set, Ivanisevic needed his own space.