They have a fragile skeleton composed of stiff spicules.
A wind seemed to have sprung up from no- where, and if conditions became much worse the bike's fragile skeleton would be endangered.
The building's body is nothing more than a fragile skeleton.
It has a fragile skeleton and should be handled carefully.
Instead, doctors usually diagnose juvenile osteoporosis when there is evidence of a fragile skeleton.
United We Stand America is a fragile skeleton at that.
The sturdy, broad-shouldered admiral had been replaced with a fragile skeleton of a man.
So, from that fragile skeleton, he took the skull, and wrapped it carefully in the bandanna she'd left behind.
In one photograph the fragile skeleton of a baby supports a head grotesquely enlarged and opened up like a tulip blossom.
Birds are rare as fossils because of their fragile skeletons.