She was in no mood for a fragile soul.
There was only room for one fragile soul in this relationship, and it wasn't her.
It was also bound, by blood and darkness, to the far more fragile soul that was Suzanne's, a mortal child buried under the weight of eternity.
Ten years earlier, Anna was the college girlfriend of Simon Heywood, a fragile and perhaps dangerous soul who is Dr. Klima's patient.
Clearly the riot police (according to the BBC) are nervous and fragile souls who treat the disabled as a 'clear and present danger'; particularly those with wheels.
He may have been proficient in death-dealing, but Agent 47 was a fragile soul.
Throughout her life, Taylor seemed drawn to fragile souls and those in need.
Cohen associated copper with healing, and her sculptures read as beautiful but doomed attempts to hold and keep together her fragile soul.
It had no doubt shocked the more fragile souls among the Keys, but it also had the advantage of being quite comfortable.