There is an early print of the romance dating from c. 1525, which survives only in one very fragmentary copy bound into the volume called "The Bagford Ballads".
One of each was sent to every Muslim province with the order that all other Quranic materials, whether fragmentary or complete copies, be destroyed.
Montesi created the incantation by studying fragmentary copies of the Darkhold.
This Third Intermediate Period work is known from eight other fragmentary copies, and relates back to the late New Kingdom era.
Of the fifty eight extant fragmentary copies of Ludlul bēl nēmeqi the great majority date to the neo-Assyrian and neo-Babylonian periods.
On the opposite bank is the Temple of Karnak, where the fragmentary copy was found.
There exists a fragmentary copy of a letter to some unknown correspondent, in which he recites his qualifications.
Nevertheless, a few fragmentary bilingual copies (Sumerian and Akkadian) from Nineveh suggest that the texts were still known during the first millennium.
Chandler put down the fragmentary copy of The Prophet which he had carried so far and sat on the ground, but again he had no long time to wait.
The Songs were found in 10 fragmentary copies: nine at Qumran (4Q400-407; 11Q17) and one at Masada.