LEO: Now, I mean, it's fragmentary data they got.
The exact number of victims executed there remains unknown as only fragmentary data has been declassified by NKVD's successor services.
By fragmentary data, population in Armenia is accounted not more than 25 individuals.
Following Lao's analysis of Gilden's reconstruction of fragmentary data, they crossed the ridge, found what had been the center of the town.
To be sure, the decision was made by a narrow 8-to-7 majority of the panel, which heard only fragmentary data on known adverse effects.
Definitive plumage is probably reached in the fifth year of life, based on fragmentary data from captives.
But in outlining the evidence that prompted those conclusions, they also repeatedly acknowledged that they had been based on circumstantial, fragmentary data.
Mr. Greenspan, for all his flaws, has repeatedly shown his ability to divine from fragmentary and sometimes contradictory data which way the economic wind is blowing.
Unlike the human mind, it could not deduce valid theories or conclusions from incomplete, insufficient, fragmentary data.
Both had a gift for dealing with the foreign, an intuition that often overleaped jumbled, fragmentary data to reach a scheme that gave meaning.