Their sleep pattern was meant to mimic the fragmented sleep of elderly people.
But your fragmented sleep can leave you feeling like you didn't get any rest at all.
The sneezing, sniffling, and itching of allergies can cause fragmented sleep - and your mattress may be to blame.
But it seems that sleep apnea itself - and the fragmented sleep it causes - triggers hormonal changes that make you hungrier and increase the risk of weight gain.
It can often cause a partial or full brief awakening resulting in fragmented sleep.
In general, older people sleep less, experience more fragmented sleep, and spend less time in stages 3 & 4 and REM sleep (for example, deep sleep and dream sleep) than younger people.
Thus, late-shift workers usually suffer from sleep loss or fragmented sleep.
Dr. Lavie explains how sleep mirrors the developmental maturity of the sleeper, evolving from two distinct stages during infancy to the shortened, fragmented sleep of old age.
As the loneliness score increases, so does the amount of fragmented sleep.
Excessively long times in bed seem related to fragmented and shallow sleep.