It was bursting with sweet, fragrant juice; she ate it all, greedily, and reached for another.
They roasted the trio of quail, golden brown and oozing fragrant juices.
For dinner there was a baron of tender beef from the estate, running with its own fragrant juices, and marvelous Rhine wines to wash it down.
Of long, hot nights in tangled sheets, of endless kisses and the fragrant juices of lovemaking.
Grilled skirt steak ($10.50) is a beefy, chewy cut in a pool of its own fragrant juice - very satisfying, especially at the price.
I don't know which was better, the fragrant juices we sucked out of the shells or the meat we pried out with toothpicks.
Lunchtime sandwiches included a terrific Southern barbecued pork ($8.95), steeped in fragrant, vinegary juices and served, as tradition demands, on a bun with freshly made coleslaw.
For some, it may be as simple as a young coconut from a Chinatown street vendor, peeled and pierced to give up the fragrant, lightly sweet juice inside.
The Klingon turned back to the bar and his glass of fragrant juice.
Oh yes, indeed, and feel the sweet, fragrant juice gush down your throat, and, if you are not careful, down the front of your best bib and tucker.