"Captain, I am the director emeritus of the center," she said in a strong voice that belied her frail appearance.
The old woman's voice, in direct contrast to her frail appearance, was surprisingly strong.
Despite its frail appearance, it was to prove a formidable vehicle in the desert conditions.
Alone with Ivor, she found herself troubled as well by his frail appearance.
But Grant was impressed with the frail appearance of the animals.
Five feet eight in height, she projected a frail appearance that belied her inner strength.
He has long made fun of his frail appearance, but today, even his voice was weak.
They are brave and daring despite their size and seemingly frail appearance.
Their outlines therefore run in almost straight lines and the whole hand presents a more frail, aesthetic appearance.
Despite its frail appearance, it has a warm, dark color and enough presence to compete with symphonic accompaniments.