When a frail-looking man asks how the process works, Steinach's face floods with color, and he twists around in the small space.
She focused on the elderly priest, a frail-looking man with a pale face.
Catherine turned and saw a slight, frail-looking man in a uniform with corporal's stripes.
Then one night a very small, frail-looking man came into the bar.
A slim, almost frail-looking young man, he does not appear in the teams and activities portrayed in his 1987 high school yearbook.
An elderly, frail-looking man with glasses perched on his nose sat in the midst of what looked like chaos.
The photo showed a small, almost frail-looking man in civilian clothes sitting at a table in a restaurant.
The television showed two frail-looking, gray-haired men step from an ambulance.
Regan eyed the frail-looking man, measuring her chances of pushing past him.
They stopped on the stairs and regarded each other, the frail-looking old man and the weathered Elf.