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She was a fair young woman, but very frailly built for a commoner.
Abruptly, he turned, started scrambling frailly upward through the water and muck.
Raggedly, frailly, it kept up his life.
A hand frailly waved a handkerchief; Clemens ran over the lawn toward it, calling tenderly."
Frailly, he levered himself into a sitting position in the gully, then leaned his back against one crumbling wall and tried to grasp his situation.
The libretto deftly blends everyday conversation with poetic ruminations to create frailly human characters ennobled by their struggles.
Mr. Malouf touches, though indirectly, on his abiding theme: how frailly the conquerors, about to become ghosts themselves, have inhabited this ghost-ridden land.
She was a tiny, frailly built girl, who gave the appearance of a child masquerading in her mother's enormous hoop skirts-an illusion that was heightened by the shy, almost frightened look in her too large brown eyes.
Back in the Bronze Age when the old kiddie-radio heroes first began turning up on television, I was appalled at how ungodlike, how pitifully and frailly human the Lone Ranger appeared to be and how shabby was the turf he patrolled.
Hindemith's Duet for Viola and Cello came across as an honest and good-natured transaction; Stravinsky's tiny Elegie for Solo Viola, frailly played, was like a two-part invention and perhaps more appropriate to a living room than a concert stage.
He's a poor mistaken son-of-a-gun, and his obviously laughable lines about women, who, he says, 'as all men know, are frailly wrought, foolish and illogical in thought,' are part of his manic need to protect his security, and that's still very much a part of the war between the sexes."