"słaby" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "słaby" in Polish


the image to "weak" in Polish
  1. weak ***
    • słaby, osłabiony (fizycznie)
      He is still very weak.
      She was too weak to defend herself.
      If you don't eat, you become weaker.
      link synonym: faint
      antonym: strong
      consulta también: thin
    • słaby (o budowli, o konstrukcji)
      This building is very weak, it might collapse.
      Don't go in there, the construction is very weak.
    • słaby (nie posiadający władzy)
      This party is weak, don't vote for it.
      Your candidate is weak - he won't win the elections.
    • słaby, kiepski (np. żart, fabuła filmu)
      It was a weak joke, don't laugh.
      This film was weak, I didn't like it.
    • słaby, zniżkujący (np. rynek)
      Don't invest in this company, it's a weak market.
      The prices of silver are weak this week.
    • słaby (np. herbata)
      Economy is her weak spot.
      I like weak tea.
    • słaby, niskoprocentowy (o alkoholu)
      I can't get drunk, give me some weak beer.
      She got drunk with one weak drink.
  2. bad *****
    • zły, kiepski, marny, słaby
      He's always been bad at maths.
      Her work was rather bad.
      Our country's economy is bad.
      antonym: good
    • chory, słaby, bolący (o jakiejś części ciała)
      I've had a bad heart all my life.
      He has a bad back.
      W tym znaczeniu "bad" używamy zawsze z rzeczownikiem.
  3. poor , ****
    • kiepski, lichy, marny, słaby, zły
      Our guide was a poor navigator and we got lost.
      He has poor eyesight.
      This equipment is of poor quality.
      They work under such poor conditions.
  4. faint **
    • słaby, nikły (np. dźwięk)
      Her voice was faint and she looked ill.
    • osłabiony, słaby (o człowieku)
      My grandmother is really faint.
      link synonym: weak
  5. naked **
    • bezbronny, słaby
      She felt completely naked on her first day in the company.
      Our city is naked if they attack.
  6. slow , ***
    • słabo idący, słaby, niemrawy (np. biznes, interes)
      I have to shut my slow business.
      I don't want to work at such a slow restaurant.
  7. small , *****
    • słaby, cichy (głos)
      Your voice is so small, are you OK?
  8. shaky *
    • chwiejny (krok), słaby (głos)
      When she talked about her fears, her voice was shaky.
      His shaky step caught my attention.
  9. frail
    • słabowity, słaby, wątły
      My mother's health is quite frail.
      My daughter is so frail that she can't go outside.
  10. feeble
    • słaby, nikły, marny
      The feeble old man collapsed on the sidewalk.
      She made a feeble attempt to explain the issue.
  11. limp *
    • słaby, wiotki
      Her skin looks limp.
      His handshake was limp.
  12. tenuous
  13. subdued
  14. thin ***
    • marny, słaby, nieprzekonujący (np. dowód)
      His disguise was thin, he didn't fool anyone.
      That's a thin evidence, they won't believe us.
    • blady, słaby
      Your brother is very thin today.
      You look very thin, do you want to sit down?
      consulta también: weak
  15. lukewarm
  16. wispy
  17. lame
  18. sickly
    • blady (o kolorze), słaby (o świetle)
  19. soft ***
    • słaby, miękki (np. charakter)
      Your character is too soft, you have to change it.
      You can't be too soft, you're a teacher.
      consulta también: lenient
  20. threadbare
  21. insubstantial
  22. flimsy
    • marny, słaby (o argumentacji, wyjaśnieniu, wymówce)
  23. puny
  24. woozy
  25. flabby
  26. feckless
  27. effete
  28. out *****
    • niemodny, słaby slang
      Why do you keep wearing those shoes? They're out!
      Your joke is so out, think up something better.
      Long skirts are out this summer.
  29. foul *
  30. wimpish , wimpy informal
  31. limpsey , also: limpsy
  32. unwatchable
  33. faintish
  34. nonwoody
  35. poopy
  36. washy  
  37. beefless
    • słaby (o sile fizycznej lub charakteru) informal
  38. shilpit ScoE
  39. dicky

Related phrases — "słaby"

słabo = faintly +12 significados
słabnąć = fade +12 significados
phrasal verb
słabnąć = fall away +2 significados
słabnąć = go limp +1 significado