The matter of frame size is somewhat less critical with these bikes, since riders sit upright on them.
If you're at the upper end of the weight range for your frame size, perhaps you could lose a pound or two.
Oh, that's the biggest of the three frame sizes they make.
Height should not present a problem, but frame size can be difficult to assess.
Relate your frame size to the picture and mount area.
Prototyped in 1934, it was a very smart design with a 24mm x 36mm frame size, but did not enter the market until 1937.
Therefore, the frame size is smaller than normal 35 mm film.
There are two different versions of the bike for men and women, with the only difference being frame size.
The frame size can be changed between 24x36 landscape and 18x24 portrait in mid-roll.
The differences in muscle strength, body shape, and frame size can be astounding.