A black-and-white dog ran in frantic circles around the base of the tree, its rear end high and happy.
The dog burst into the room and, yipping, chased his tail in a frantic little circle, then jumped up against her.
He looked at the two of them and tried to think, but his brain was running in frantic circles.
Outside the cold morning air whirled in frantic circles around the small stone yard, the leaves spiralling upwards into the dark sky.
Turning in ever more frantic circles, he'd finally seen the dim lights way over by the dam and had known that was his only hope.
I turned in a mad frantic circle, searching for the origin of the voice.
Two others snapped at it, then began rushing in frantic circles.
String uncoiled behind Sardines as he fell through the smoky air towards the frantic circle.
The dog, at his feet, dashed about in frantic circles, barking wildly.
The line cut the water in frantic circles, throwing beads of spray, as the fish saw the canoe.