Everybody important went off to the TP section, and a few frantic hours followed.
Although he was conscious, he has no memory of the feverish ride to the hospital and the frantic hours that followed.
I took the prediction seriously and spent some frantic hours trying to contact King by phone to warn him.
Newswise, it had been a frantic twenty-four hours, I gathered, that I'd spent on the road and in bed.
In the frantic hour he'd spent aboard, Rod had carried out a thorough inspection, which was one reason he needed a shave.
The producer played it once, and spent a frantic seventeen hours locating Bobbi Joy.
One afternoon he slipped away from us in a crowd on Fifth Avenue, and it took us two frantic hours to find him.
The motionless air in the compartment was thick with sweat and the trapped heat of their first endless, frantic hour together.
Maybe the dress was new, purchased after a frantic two hours of searching-but that was only because she'd wanted something new.
Earlier, after boarding the plane, Jack had spent a few frantic hours trying to discover the fate of his ship.