Deep Philosophers call this search for purpose nothing more than vanity, a frantic need to justify an inherited drive to exist.
That frantic need kept her beside his dead body when she wanted nothing so much as to run for home.
He ceased the frantic need of our kiss and brought it to a leisurely exploration.
Nor had he expected his equally frantic need.
And he realized that fear was what lay at the heart of his frantic need to be right about this.
She couldn't wait; the frantic need for him overpowered her.
She found herself enjoying the sight of his embarrassment and frantic need to buy thinking time.
It called to her with such strength of purpose that, for an instant, she felt an inexplicable and frantic need to run back.
A frantic need to leave the church clutched at her.
She could see the denial that he wanted to voice, the frantic need for deception.