With the first two electoral contests out of the way, most Presidential campaigns today began a frantic race for money.
I couldn't breathe, as if all of my chest was caught up in the frantic race, and there was no time for anything else.
Then the frantic race to get mortars and machine guns into position.
The unique print could be worth a million dollars, setting off a frantic race to take possession of the hidden Astaire film.
As a result, scientists were in a frantic race to find a way to prevent or cure the disease.
As a result, Olson points out, "scientists were in a frantic race to find a cure."
A two-pronged frantic race is under way to save the banana.
A decade ago its dowdy department stores had more or less been written off in the frantic race to carve up the high street.
How many disasters and problems do there need to be before we finally abandon this frantic race towards liberalisation?
Apple's executives tried to put the best face on an effort to essentially start from scratch in a frantic race to catch Microsoft.