Mat pushed frantically, threw all of his weight against the fellow's arms to no avail.
Two of them were frantically pushing and pulling at the gurney.
He frantically pushed at the weight across him but couldn't move it.
He pushed past them frantically, his eyes smarting from the dust.
A woman screamed and pushed frantically past her husband as she ran for the safety of a nearby store.
A woman is frantically pushing her way back into the crowd, which appears to be trying to dissolve completely in our vicinity.
A rat scurried down the tunnel and pushed frantically past them.
The rear door was yanked open and the girl screamed once more, frantically pushing herself into the far corner.
The legs pushed frantically, and in another moment the two figures had squirmed back underneath the bed.
Lawmakers are frantically pushing to pass a budget before the start of the new fiscal year tomorrow.