The historical novel bears an oddly fraternal relationship to science fiction, which would seem to be its opposite.
From this point on, the couple would maintain (in Millán-Astray's own words) a "fraternal relationship".
Hidden malignancies in fraternal and marital relationships are exposed without breaking the skin.
Because of my fraternal relationship with their grandparent?
Nowhere does one hear Russian, which was compulsory in school during the years of the "fraternal relationship" with the Soviet Union.
Foote began a lifelong fraternal and literary relationship with Walker; each had great influence on the other's writing.
These ties will properly reflect the fraternal relationship between the countries.
Ed Miliband has vowed that professional rivalry will not contaminate his fraternal relationship.
En route, the pair forged a relationship almost fraternal in intensity.
As the two sons, now grown, search for the truth about their parents, they bicker their way toward mending a strained fraternal relationship.