Even while imprisoned, he continued to protest for a free Tibet, for which he was given additional prison sentences of many years.
Tibetan parliamentarians demanded the restoration of a free and independent Tibet based on the principles of democracy and justice, he said.
Where can I get my free Tibet?
But in Chinese terms, a "free Tibet" makes a free Kashmir look easy - and far wider turmoil for China lies that way.
If you and the other Dungkar do what we order, in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours, there will be a free Tibet once again.
However, the simple fact is this: Even if they had not chosen to base their operations here, our vote would have gone toward a free Tibet.
But they are fiercely cohesive in their politics, and they see the new arrivals, first and foremost, as colleagues in advocacy for a free Tibet.
Long live free Tibet!
In turn, the Dalai Lama began to speak of a free democratic Tibet associated with China rather than an independent Tibet.
Nor did they speculate much about what a free Tibet might look like - it seemed too far in the future.