You may write to the above address for a free catalogue or phone 800-222-5886 (in Michigan, 800-327-7984).
One free catalogue may also be ordered by phone or mail.
Inside each was a certificate good for a free catalogue to Christie's contemporary art auction next month.
For a free catalogue, write the company or telephone 212-226-5147.
A free catalogue can be ordered by calling (800) 336-9090; both adults' and children's catalogues are available.
Many companies have toll-free numbers for ordering or answering questions; some will send a free catalogue if you ask.
It publishes a free catalogue of more than 50 resources that provide information about buying a condominium.
The label is Holland's first to use a free on-line catalogue.
You will receive a free catalogue with your order.
Offers a wide range of specialized storage products; free catalogue.