Yes, free childcare.
However, some single parents are able to rely on their social networks to provide free or below-market-cost childcare.
Within the region there is little to no provision for free childcare so this burden has severe implications for women.
Support and wraparound services could include free childcare, assistance with transportation, and counseling.
And to her family for the free childcare.
Within the county, soldiers were to be provided with local services, ranging from free childcare to job placement for soldiers' spouses.
Mr Osborne is also expected to announce additional cash for free childcare for two-year-olds.
Unless of course all these mums are going to be paid by the state to provide free childcare?
- An extra £380m a year by the end of the spending review period 2014-15 to extend free childcare for disadvantaged two-year-olds.
Many organizations (in the developed world) campaign for free or subsidized childcare for all.