And though the Soviet Parliament passed a law allowing free emigration, it won't take effect until 1993.
Nationalist groups protest in public; so do people who long for freer emigration.
They pass a law on free emigration and travel, but people still can't leave freely.
We must take every step necessary to protect the basic right of free emigration.
In essence, this is an opportunity for the Soviet Union to continue to move toward free emigration.
There is also the specific legislative criterion of free emigration.
He said he would like to see free emigration, which is generally prohibited.
That law conditions the concessions the treaty promises -most-favored-nation status and access to Government credits - on movement toward free emigration.
The legislation itself permits the President to waive its penalties, given progress toward freer emigration.
Today the only legal restriction on free emigration is knowledge of official or scientific "secrets."