Usually a micro-vascular anastomosis is performed at the second intercostal space to the artery on which the free flap is based.
Thanks to further refinements of microvascular techniques in the past three decades, transfer of a free flap is now a routine procedure.
Advantages of free flaps are their reliable blood supply and freedom of planning.
For others, free flaps may be the best.
Various types of tissue may be transferred as a free flap including skin and fat, muscle, nerve, bone, or any combination of these.
The free flap requires microsurgical techniques and is employed during reconstructive surgery.
Twenty-five patients had free flap for reconstruction.
A free flap is defined as a tissue mass that has been taken away from the original site to be used in tissue transplantation.
For more information on free flaps, see also free flap.
When bulk is needed for a better contour a free flap is used, or as shown in the pictures, a regional flap.