He is founder of the Children's Free Immunization Clinic, which has provided free immunizations to many thousands of local children since 1983.
When, soon after his inauguration, President Clinton announced an initiative that would guarantee free immunization to every preschooler, his heart was in the right place.
Why, some Americans will ask, should Washington provide free immunization for children whose parents can afford to pay for it themselves?
In Nassau and Suffolk Counties free immunizations are offered to residents 60 and older.
Long's statewide public health programs dramatically reduced the death rate in Louisiana and provided free immunizations to nearly 70 percent of the population.
The program continues today, run by the city's health department and offering free immunizations and physical exams to children without any other resources.
There will also be a health and family fair, with medical screenings, booths on nutrition and free immunizations for children.
Patients get benefits like free immunizations and mammograms, even subsidized health-club memberships.
The C.D.C. has added the vaccine to the Vaccines for Children program, which provides free immunizations to children in need.
Obstacles for Parents Although the Department of Health has long offered free immunization at its clinics, this is by far the most aggressive and widespread effort to recruit patients.