This year, Levine will provide free or subsidized instruction to more than 850 at-risk youth and children, at a cost to the school of $800,000.
Only 12 people will be permitted to register for the free instruction.
Using their own vehicles, they received free instruction from professional driving teachers.
This was a natural history (mainly birds) and archaeological museum intended for the free instruction of the people.
Students who don't raise their scores by the minimum receive free instruction.
After graduating first in his class at Harvard, he had started as a teacher by giving free instruction to the children of workingmen.
He also made public instruction free of charge and secular (laïque).
These two institutions were destined to give to workingmen free instruction and professional training.
He even advertised recently that he will offer free instruction to "superior students."
From the very start of the American regime, free public instruction commenced.