Technology should have freed mankind from the burdens of life.
The "Christus Victor" theory sees Jesus not used as a ransom but rather defeating Satan in a spiritual battle and thus freeing enslaved mankind by defeating the captor.
You have finally freed mankind.
They've come to the New World claiming to be a champion of freeing mankind of magic, proclaiming themselves to be noble for holding such a goal, and yet they use magic in the pursuit of this professed goal.
In place of a blind faith in divine providence, they proposed a rational social contract which they believed would free mankind from many of our perennial ills.
It is believed that Jesus freed mankind from the bondage of sin:
If the protagonist sides with Zelenin, he must defeat the half-demon Jimenez, who wants to free humanity by releasing demons into the human world, freeing mankind to do whatever it pleases, but leaving Earth as a primal, barbaric planet where the strong take whatever they want.
'The blood of the Dragon Reborn on the rocks of Shayol Ghul will free mankind from the Shadow.'
Tall, handsome and ferociously brainy, he had long been troubled by the complexities of the Buddhist Truth - the ultimate reality that would free mankind from the treadmill of life and death.
We poured and drank, then Morton and I listened with some interest as the others sang a song about Individual Mutualism freeing mankind from the yoke of oppression and so forth.