The free rifle was more successful for him, as he finished third at 1,305 points on 31 hits.
In the 300 m free rifle, three positions event, he finished twelfth.
The first course of fire is with a free rifle, for a 3 X 40.
Four years later he won the gold medal as member of the Swedish free rifle.
The final event, the free rifle, began on the same day.
The American shooters won both the individual and team golds in the free rifle.
In 1972, Wigger won the gold medal for free rifle, 3 position, with a score of 1155.
His score and place in the free rifle are unknown, but he did not win a medal.
He also participated in the free rifle, three positions event and finished 34th.
In the 300 metre free rifle, three positions he finished 49th.